Hog Island Oyster Farm is a wonderful Oyster Farm located on Tomalas Bay in West Marin. Getting there requires two things: a convertiable car, gas, and the ablity to drive and look at the jaw dropping scenary..at the same time… I have been to Hog Island about five times in ten years and to Marshall California a half dozen times..Zooming up the 101 you turn left on Lucus Valley Road you follow that to  Pt Rayes and then when you get to Pt Rayes turn RIGHT ,  and follow the road to Tomalas Bay…it is the California country side at its best, rolling hills where the grass is a mile high..puffy white clouds and blue sky for days..we brought with us Champagne, and if you call and reserve you can bring a picnic and shuck your own Oystres. If you do not make a reservation you can stand at a communty table, buy your oysers by the dozen, buy cow girl creamery triple cream cheese, buy bread and start doing the “Happy Dance” because the oysers are simply THEE BEST!!!!!!  yumm!