Beyond The Fog took a much antisipated waste water tour. Antisipated because I was afraid of rats and I was afraid of throwing up! well.. niether happened. The tour is very very very comprehensive, very interesting,and a lot more goes into moving waste water, treating waste water, and handeling it, than you think. To begin with, did you know that the South East Waste Water Treatment Plant takes care of 85% of San Francisco’s waste water, and that the Ocean Waste Water Treatment Plant takes 20% and did you know that the sewers are located all around the city and flows like a river via gravity to the treatment plant?

The Waste water is devided into two, one solid, one water,the water goes through two treatments to make it clean enough to go out to the bay or ocean, The Solid is treated and then trucked YES trucked to salano county where it is turned into fertilizer for non – food and non human food for animals that we are NOT going to be eaten by humans .

We saw very closely where and how this happens ..It was truly an experience and it was not un- pleasant at all it was fascinating!

Sodium BSodium BrSignSeperationEmpty Water TreatmentMe and SludgePart two TreatmentPumpCleaner WaterClear WaterCircleWater TreatmentSteven Gregory and WasteSteven and Tyrone 2Steven TalkingUnderWith LadderWith CoversWater side